Friday, September 1, 2017

How can positive thinking create a positive life ?

          I believe we all have heard the saying 'thoughts create reality', but none has actually care to take a deeper look at this.
          Starting from the basic, what is positive thinking? How can we recognize the positive thoughts and how can we know that they are truly making a change?
          Hold on, did you just answered: 'well, that is easy. Positive thoughts are those good words you say concerning yourself and life in general'. Yeah, how has that
theory been benifiting you so far. You see, we are too quick to talk and very slow to listen. Recognizing a positive thought begins with carefully listening to yourself.


          Positive thoughts are much more than just good words about your character, and if you were a keen observant you would have noticed. I know this because I have been there too. You have thought 'I am a successful person' than your other self has replied 'you sure you successful cuz what I have seen so far...well....', and you have replied 'pff do not worry all I gotta do is think these thought and the rest will take care'.
         Yup, you are a successful person - IN YOUR DREAMS. You see, the point is to make it happen in reality. So far that thinking has only satisfy our egos and has kept our minds busy so it could not search deeper.
         Have you ever heard of feelings. I am sure you have but you are not very certain what they actually are. There are a lot of theories concerning feelings. Go ahead choose what best suits you. I, personally, have chosen the theory where feelings are like a GPS.
          How does that help?
Here is the best part - positive thoughts do change your life. What you are not aware of is that they change you within. That is because everything comes from within, a positive internal world brings a positive external world. The way to recognize a positive thought is through feelings. Thinking is one half creation but feeling it complets it.
          Do not just say you are successful, feel yourself being successful. If it brings you chills, if those thoughts wake you up in the morning with enthusiasm than know it is your feelings - the GPS beeping , showing
you that you are on the right path. If you are feeling excited for no reason and time to time you sob, your eyes are filled with tears : be aware this is your positive thinking changing you.

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