Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Is this who I am

Am I this person? This person who requires something from the life but could not reach it. Am I this person, this person with abundant imagination and all it can do is give the mind, for a short period of time, the pleasure that it seeks. Am I this person, this person who sees the world and its own - self  being slowly destroyed, but it is powerless to change it, to heal it. Was I only created to be a puppet and follow the dreams of another?

If that is the reality, then, why do we try to make a better life, why do we hope for a better reality, isn't the future already written?
But, what if is not. What if the future is waiting to be written by each one of us, individually. What if we are creating the future following someone else's instructions, someone else's desires.
Again, if the future isn't already written, why do we live like it is already written. Still, would something in life be empty, not yet created.  Not created by whom? God? Life? If that is so, would God or life leave something unfinished, would leave a mistake? This question leads to another, would God or life create everything and yet give humanity the ability to create? Perhaps, God or life created an environment where we can create and fulfill ,  experience and acknowledge, different aspects of being a human. Perhaps, God enriched us with powerful feelings to not forget that we are divine and to acknowledge the absolute reality.

If through feelings we can recognize the reality , then I ask..... what do my feelings say about me, my reality?
I am a powerful being, than can reach any goal. I reach those goal through my abundant creativity. I am a being that can heal everything and everyone in each given moment. This is what I create, this is what I choose.
What do your feelings say?

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Stand up for Humanity

Humans are Divine creators. Our ultimate goal is to create a  peaceful, loving and caring environment for generations to come.

When we came to Earth, we were exposed to amnesia that made us forget who we truly are. Amnesia was no mistake, we willingly chose to forget that we are creators, so we could know and experience the Creator Within. Not by mistake were separated. We went through separation to experience the experience call Unity. Not by mistake did we chose to go through Darkness. We went through Darkness to feel what it means to be Eternal and Divine Light. Not by mistake did we choose to create an environment opposite to our own nature.

Illusions are here to help, to guide us towards what reality is. Most of humanity is lost in illusion, claiming that they are realities. Reality is the opposite of Illusion, so whatever you thought was real.... well, think again.

Whatever you see, observe closely with awareness. Whatever you listen, here carefully to understand. Whatever you are being be fully as a whole.
 Humans, such powerful creators, yet not remembering the Creations you made. We are magicians and these are our magic tricks, love is our very first nature, fear is its opposite. Yet, we live with fear and call it power,whereas love is weakness.
 How can your very first nature be weakness, whereas  fear, an illusion, be powerful, more powerful than reality. How can lies be true and the truth be false. How can humans be slaves to their own creations.
 Indeed Humanity, we are thinking backwards. We are living the Illusions as reality, using fear as power, judgment as a tool of Justice, slavery as a place of freedom.
 You want to be who you truly are, then change your perspective. Think, live and be the Divine creator that you were meant to be. Fear is an illusion created to experience our nature known as love. Darkness was created to feel our very own Essence which is light. Separateness was created to recognize the power of unity.

Wake up Humanity.
 See Illusions as illusions. See them as a tool to acknowledge the absolute reality. Feel and share love, is the energy with which we live. Remind humans who they truly are for they have forgotten and got lost. Give your hand to another, even if they do not show that they need it, they do. It is the fear of judgement stopping them from sharing their true feelings. Create an environment where they are loved and valued. Because you are them and they are you. We are all in this together. We create the reality in which we live in.

Spread light for Humanity.
Share love for Humanity.
Give freely for Humanity.
Heal for Humanity.
Live for Humanity.
Whatever you do, do it for Humanity for Humanity is self.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Be who you want to be

" Judge not , neither condemn , those aspects of your life you do not understand. "

Meaning behind these words :

Life does not give what you want, but you will always  receive exactly what you need, for that precise moment.  At first, you may not know why a specific person or event came to you, but soon you will come to recognize that is what you needed to be the grandest version of yourself.

When you choose your life's purpose, you declare Who You Are. You decide a certain beingness , then doingness will follow up from that.
Regardless of what you are doing, keep being who you choose to be and focus on that. When you focus on your beingness ,  stick with that. Eventually, your physical form will soon respond and act in accordance with that choice. If you choose the beingness called calmness ,  your body will start ignoring noises.

When you act in accordance with your beingness ,  you are in control of your life. The exterior circumstances can no longer effect your inner peace.

Now, here is the tricky part. After choosing a certain beingness ,  opposites of what we wish to be will start to appear. Do not panic and certainly do not get lost in the process. Opposites appear in our lives, in order to create a space in which we can be. Therefore, see these opposites as a sure sign that we have begin the journey of transformation. These negatives or opposites are temporary and their purpose is to heal , forever ,  any negative feeling we had about the outer experience of our lives.

Example:  If you choose the beingness ,  'I am calmness ', then more noises will come into your life. However, now you exist in a state of choice - you will know why this is happening. You will be able to choose to see this as an opposite, and as a gift. So you can remain calm next to noise. And soon the outer noise will follow your calmness. Noisy children in the house may calm down
themselves, as they will pick up your calm energy. Even if they don't, that would not matter as by now you have mastered the moment and could move through it with calmness. The opposite will no longer have an effect as you render it dull. You will not condemn bad things anymore, rather you will look at them and make them dissappear. The act of condemnation is an act of resistance - and what you resist, persist.  What you look at dissappears.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

All attack is a call for help

 Most of us desire to help and heal humanity. Some of us know how to be benificial and some in the process of helping lose themselves.
How does one lose oneself in the process of helping?
Imagine a situation where your friend is suffering, something bad happened,  they lost their jobs or got divorced. They are sharing their burden with you. While listening to your friend you feel the urge to do something, to speak something, to make them feel better but you just don't know what to do. Therefore, you fill your mind with doubtful and negative thoughts. You begin wondering : what can I do to help them; what advice shall I give to them; would those advices help; who am I anyway to tell them advices ; I do not think I am the right person to give any advice;  I don't even know who I am; what am I experiences. In the midst of all these unanswered questions,  you finally ask the question that start the process of knowing.
What do I want here?
Life has divided a way for us to create a new, and know, who we are in our experience. Life did this by providing us with:

1. Relativity 
A system where we can exist as a thing in relationship to something else.

2. Forgetfulness 
A process by which we willingly submit to total amnesia so that we cannot know that relativity is merely a  trick, and that you are all of it.

3. Consciousness 
A state of being in which we grow until we reach full awareness,  then become true and living powerful human, creating and experiencing our own reality, expanding and exploring that reality , changing and recreating that reality as we stretch our consciousness to new limits or shall we say,  to no limits.

One of the greatest help you can give to a person is to wake them up, to remind them of Who They Really Are. There are ways to do that. Sometimes with a little bit of help; a push, a shove, a nudge... and sometimes with a decision  to let them run their course, follow their path, walk their walk, without any interference or intervention from us.

" Sometimes the best way to love someone,  and the most help you can give, is to let them alone or empower them to help themselves."

Speak humbly of yourself,  lest someone mistake your highest truth for a boast.
Speak softly lest someone think you are merely calling for attention.
Speak gently, that all might know of love.
Speak openly,  lest anyone think you have something to hide.
Speak candidly, so you cannot be mistaken.
Speak often, so that your word may truly go forth.
Speak respectfully,  that no one be dishonered.
Speak lovingly, that every syllable may heal.

Be a gift to everyone who enters your life, and to everyone whose life you enter. Be careful not to enter another's life if you cannot be a gift.
Every person who has ever come to our life has come to receive a gift from us. In doing so,  they give a gift for us - the gift of us experiencing and fulfilling Who We Are.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What is the soul ?

Human race is a three - part being.

The physical form, that is the body. Over the years we have discovered and learned a lot about the body. About its wonderful  mechanism and its miraculous function. We still discover and learn new things about our physical form. Generally, we have acknowledge a great amount of information concerning the body.

The non-physical form, that is the mind. Another wonderful mechanism with a miraculous function. We have learned that our minds are powerful tools in creating reality. It carries knowledge and thoughts, it creates problems and solutions ( as hard as it may be to admit it, our minds really do create them both). The non-physical form also contains our imagination with which we make sense out of everything. The Mind is capable of saving different kinds of data, figures out the environment we live in. In  few words : it is a miracle we possess.

And finally, the absolute form, that is the soul. Little is known about our soul. In fact, the only thing we know about the soul is that it keeps the body and mind alive, it gives us a chance to live in this dimension, and when we die we say the soul is no longer here. This is true, but the soul possess a far more functions. Its capabilities reach the infinite.
The soul is our very own essence. It is the most important part of our being. Therefore,it  is ironic the we have such little knowledge of it.

In reality, we are not beings with body and mind containing a soul. It is the other way around, we are soul beings containing a body and mind. Body is a physical form which makes it possible to function in this physical dimension. Mind makes it possible to learn about the environment we live in. Soul is here to experience what it already knows. It cannot do so without body and mind.

Human beings, we are divine creatures. We Are here to discover our purpose and live it. Yes, our soul has an agenda. When we become awa of that agenda, we shall live it, soon everything will fall into place. Many times have we felt that there is something more. So often have we felt the urge to do something. In truth, that is our soul's calling, saying this is not Who I Am ; this is not what we came here. We are here to experience every part of divinity. We must, first, express what part of divinity we wish to experience, than be it.
Express and experience, live with the soul's agenda, answer the higher-calling, for That Is Who You Are.
If you want to live fromthe agenda of your soul, before doing anything stop and ask your self this question.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Changing is a product of evolution

Our perspectives have created our thoughts. Therefore, our thoughts created our reality. Being conscious about this, in every moment we can, will change our entire life.

In order for us to change our life, we must change our perspectives. Now, you might ask, how can we alter our perspectives after all this time?

First, we must be willing to alter our perspectives. Will is a powerful tool and the first step towards our higher-living.

Second, we must have courage. We must possess such courage as to accept ourselves. If we are not as we desired to be, we must be honest and accept it, it is pointless denying it.

Then we shall move to the third step. We must be determined. Dedicating ourselves on changing and let no one and nothing to distract you. Do not let exterior events to shaken your decision.
After we have maintained these three qualities, we can move to the  next stage.

Begin to assume another perspective and you will have a different though. In this way you will learn to control your thoughts, and in creation of our experience, controlled thoughts are everything.

Condemn not, therefore, those aspects of life with which you disagree. Instead, seek to change them and the conditions that made them possible. There is One Great Truth; there is a Final Reality, yet, you will always get what you choose - regardless of that reality. Because, we are divine creatures, divinely creating reality, even as we are experiencing. The time has come to end creating such individual reality and begin to understand and experience the unity. As soon as we choose this, we will have an immediate opportunity to do that.
It is all a matter of desire, of creation, of choosing. Ultimately, you creating the uncreatable; that is you experiencing that which has already been created.

Our lives are a reflection of our desires and what we believe we may have what we desire. Life cannot give us something if we do not believe we can have it - regardless of how much we desire it. It cannot violate our own thoughts about it. Believing that you cannot have something is the same as not desiring to have it, for it produces the same result.

As a final step towards evolution, we must change our ideas about " right " and " wrong ". We should change our notions of " this " and " that ". Change our structures, our constructions, our models, our theories. Allow our deepest truths to be altered.

Remember : No matter how 'good' things have been, they can be better. Nothing exists separate from us , and everything is our own creation. Even our apparent lack of wisdom, our lack of understanding is our own creation. It is  our imagination causing us not to acknowledge the answers to our questions. Yet, as soon as we imagination that we know, WE DO.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Living a beneficial life

You cannot live a beneficial life unless and until you choose it. After you make your decision, you must dedicate every precious moment to that decision. Be determined to live a beneficial life; decide that your life and deeds will benefit you and others, you will find your self living deliberately and harmoniously. Living a beneficial life will cause you to live from intention, doing things consciously and will result your living harmoniously because that which benefits others can not be in disharmony with them.

Now, here are 3 tools which you may be sure that you live your life been beneficially.


 Awareness is the state of being in which you may choose to live in . Living in awareness means being awake to the moment. It is about being keenly observant about what it is so and why, about all the possibilities and opportunities that each and every moment offers, about the outcomes of your choices and actions ( for broader explanation read my previous post).


 Awakening is all about ending the pretending. When we stop pretending we become totally honest. Honesty is about speaking, first to yourself, then to others, what it is of which you are aware of. Also, honesty is about what you stand for. For when you are aware and honest, you are no longer taking things just like that, laying down, but you are standing up for something. You may have already noticed that you cannot stand for something until you stop lying all around.
 Begin using the tool of honesty consistently and watch your life change. Use it in relationships. Use it in business interactions. Use it in politics. Use it in school. Use it everywhere, in every precious moment.
 Pay attention at what you have accomplished then be honest about it. Be aware of the outcomes, be honest that you have produced them. Then use the third tool.


 Responsibility is the third tool that you can use to live a beneficial life. After you have become aware of your outcomes and accomplishments, and you have been honest about them, begin taking responsibilities for them. It is a sign of great maturity and spiritual growth.
 Finally , realize that every person is responsible for the outcomes, since spirituality speaks that we are all creating our own reality. Therefore, someone is not responsible for what occurs to you, even though another might have caused it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Moving into awareness

These past few years, we have really often heard the words; spirituality, awareness, consciousness, awakening, soul, mind,etc. Only a considerable amount of us have really paid attention to those words. What do they mean, and why now are we hearing about those.

We Are All familiar with the 2012 and the end of the world. Well, people misunderstood it. On December 21st 2012, everyone thought that the world will collapse, but it did not. Why you might ask. In reality the so-called the end of the world was actually the end of such unconscious living.

What does unconscious living mean?
Our history does not speak about human thinking. Spirituality tells us that we create our reality based on our thinking and our perspective of life. According to this, thoughts are very vital tools for our everyday life. Did we knew that? Certainly. But did we acknowledge it? No, we did not acknowledge that we were creating that is thinking on an unconscious level. We did not pay attention to our mind and its connection with our reality. Negative thoughts brought hard events, fear brought pain. Positive thoughts brought courage to get through those hard times, love brought joy.

Another definition of unconsciousness, is not being aware towards the environment you are living, thoughts  you are thinking, deeds you are doing and feelings that you are feeling.
 December 21st 2012 was the end of such unaware actions. Every moment that passes Earth gets rained with an energy containing higher frequencies. Those higher frequencies grow our consciousness, that is our awareness. Also, you know that, but we were not aware of it.

Gratefully to those higher frequencies, many of highly sensitive people have become even more aware and awake concerning the Ultimate Reality and our Human Experience. We Now understand completely why certain events happened to us, and why certain people came into Our Lives even those who left.

Now the big question... How does one become aware?
 Simply... Observe.
 Observe yourself. Observe another. You are walking, observe your feet, observe the road, observe the people, observe the environment, hear the sounds, what kind of sounds are you hearing, how many of them. If you catch your mind daydreaming, observe those thoughts, how do they make you feel, why do you think such thoughts, what did such thought cross your mind. You are having a conversation, observe your words, are they kind, loving, painful, what is the reason you are saying those words, are they necessary. You hear another person talking, are you paying attention to her or his words, are your truly hearing, pay attention to how you are feeling when the other person is talking, what are you thinking.

And above all... observe that you are observing. Pay yourself attention that you are paying attention to yourself. Be aware of yourself that you are being aware of yourself.

Monday, October 3, 2016

10 Illusions of humans

The illusion was meant to be your joy. It was meant to be your tool.  It was never intended to be your burden and your sorrow, your trial and tribulation.

1. The illusion of need

Need is non-existent in the universe. One needs something only if one requires a particular result. The universe does not require a particular resolved the universe is the result. Life needs nothing to her except that which is occurring. Nothing make life unhappy. You need nothing to be happy. Happiness is a state of mind.

2. The illusion of failure

Life can fail?! Life can desire something but not get it. Life can wish for something and not get it! Since you have noticed that you could feel your pain all the things that you can imagine you need to be happy, you have declared that the same is true for life.

3. The illusion of disunity

The idea of separation. Disunity produces the possibility of failure and failure is only possible if need to exist.

  1. Life has an agenda. (Need exists.)
  2. The outcome of life is in doubt. (Failure exists.)
  3. You are separated from life. (Disunity exists.)
Pain is an experience. Suffering is a judgement which is made about the experience. Yet the degree to which pain is accepted as perfect as the degree to which suffering in life may be eliminated. 
Until they correct the conditions in society which create and invite unwanted behaviors, they were correct nothing.

4. The illusion of insufficiency

If there is one thing, and that one thing is all that is, there can be no insufficiency of any kind, because that one thing is everything and thus it is sufficient unto itself.

5. The illusion of requirement

The illusion of requirement is nothing more than a different take on the illusion of need.

6. The illusion of judgement

You have accepted as reality the illusion of judgement, then you have declared that is like judging you, you have the right to judge everyone else. And judge them you do.

7. The illusion of condemnation

I am the energy of life. I am that which forms, that which takes form. Everything you see is life, in different formation. You are all life in formation. You love life just the way it is showing up, right here, right now. This is Possible only when you are seeing perfection. Everything and everyone is perfect. Yet you cannot see this unless and until you understand exactly whatever trying to do. When you that the purpose of this article is returning to its main points repeatedly is to bring you deeper and deeper into your own understanding and closer and closer to mastery, then you will love the repetition. You will love it because you understand the benefit of it. You embraced the gift.

8. Illusion of conditionality

The experience of conditionality and the experience of love cannot exist at the same time and same place.

9. The illusion of superiority

There is no such thing as superiority. By not using the illusion as they were intended, you are turning what was intended to be a beautiful dream into a living nightmare. See the Illusions as they are- and then stop living them as if they were real.

10. The illusion of ignorance

The essence of Love is freedom. Anyone who says they love you, and that they are looking out for you, will grant you freedom. Love grants Freedom, fear takes it away. Love open up, fear closes down. Love invites full expression, fear punishes it. Love invites you, always, to live your truth.

  • Life needs nothing.
  •  Life cannot fail, neither can you.
  • Nothing is separated from anything.
  • There is enough.
  • There is nothing you have to do.
  • You will never be judged.
  • You will never be condemned.
  • Love knows no condition. 
  •  A thing cannot be superior to itself.
  •  You already know all of this.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Six types of people!

In life, there appears to be those who do not know, and who do not know that they don't know.
They are as children. Nurture them.

Then there appears to be those who no no and who know that they do not know.
They are willing. Teach them.

Then there appears to be those who do not know, but to think that they know.
They are dangerous. Avoid them.

Then there appears to be those who know and do not know that they know.
They are asleep. Wake them.

Then there appear to be those who know but pretend that they do not know.
They are actors. Enjoy them.

Then there appears to be those who know, and know that they know.
Do not follow them.
For if they know that they know, they would not have you follow them. Yet listen very carefully to what they have to say, for they will remind you what you know. Indeed, that is why they have been sent to you. That is why you have called them to you.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

You are worth a lot

In relationship, it doesn't matter what the other person is thinking, expecting, planning. It only matters what you are being in relationship to that.

Your first relationship, therefore, must be with yourself. You must first learn to honor and cherish and love yourself.

You must first see yourself as worthy before you can see another worthy. You must first see yourself blessed before you can see another as bless.

The most loving person is the person who is self-centered. And so I tell you this: be now and forever centered upon your self. Look to see what you are being, doing, and having in any given moment, not what is going on with another.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Only good can happen to me

Viewing life from the perspective of the Soul, nothing happens that does not move forward the mission of the soul and the agenda of the life. Life will alter part of itself in order to maintain balance and sustainability in the whole of itself. The mission of the individual soul is to grow in consciousness.

  • You have all the Oneness you could possibly want, you merely need to experience.
  • You have all of the life you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it. 
  •  You have all the love you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it.
  • You have all the freedom you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it.
  •  You have all the change you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it.
  •  You have all the joy you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it. 
  • You have all the peace you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it. 
  • You have all the completion you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it. 
  • You have all the being you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it.
Knowing  this will allow you to experience this.
The unknowable is unexperiancable. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Feeling is the language of soul.
If you want to know what is true for you about something, look to how you are feeling about it.
Feelings are sometimes difficult to discover - and often even more difficult to acknowledge. Yet hidden in your deepest feeling is your highest truth.
The grandest feeling is that feeling which we call love.
People make choices based on either love or fear. Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, drowns in, runs, hides, hoards,harms. Love is the energy which expands,opens up, sends out, slays, reveals, share, heals. Before you make a decision ask yourself : am I making this decision based on love or fear?

Monday, September 12, 2016

Dwell in positivity

Think only good things and righteous. Dwell not in negativity and darkness. And even in the moments when things look bleak - see only perfection, express only greatfullness, and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next.
Act as if you were separate from nothing, and no one and you will heal the world tomorrow.
Condemn not, therefore, those aspects of life with which you disagree. Seek instead to change them and the conditions that made that possible.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The soul....

" Your soul is seeking to experience what it knows. "

Everything we will ever need to know , we knew at our birth, we came here to demonstrate that.
Life is a process by which the soul turns knowing into experience. What you have known and experienced becomes a felt reality.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


We are living in a dream of our own creation.
Dream of a world in which love is the answer to every question, the response to every situation, the experience in every moment.
Dream of a world in which freedom becomes the highest expression of life, in which no one claims to love another seeks to restrict another and in which all are allowed to express the glory of their being in measure full and true.
Dream of a world in which differences do not produce divisions, individual expression does not produce separation and the greatness of the whole is reflected in the greatness of its parts.
Dream of a world in which suffering is never again ignored, in which intolerance is never again expressed and in which and in which hatred is never again experienced by anyone.
Dream them into being.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


When you bless the conditions of your life, you change them.
Imagine a condition in which you have found yourself. Have you ever risen above that condition, to discover that you have overcome it?
Well, in truth you never did overcome it. You, actually, was never it. You simply threw off the idea that you are that condition. You are not your condition, your are not your job.

Doses of optimisation

With everything that is going on, take a break. Repeat some optimistic words. Everyone deserves to feel good and positive. I will share some inspirational words to help you feel ready for the future.