Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Six types of people!

In life, there appears to be those who do not know, and who do not know that they don't know.
They are as children. Nurture them.

Then there appears to be those who no no and who know that they do not know.
They are willing. Teach them.

Then there appears to be those who do not know, but to think that they know.
They are dangerous. Avoid them.

Then there appears to be those who know and do not know that they know.
They are asleep. Wake them.

Then there appear to be those who know but pretend that they do not know.
They are actors. Enjoy them.

Then there appears to be those who know, and know that they know.
Do not follow them.
For if they know that they know, they would not have you follow them. Yet listen very carefully to what they have to say, for they will remind you what you know. Indeed, that is why they have been sent to you. That is why you have called them to you.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

You are worth a lot

In relationship, it doesn't matter what the other person is thinking, expecting, planning. It only matters what you are being in relationship to that.

Your first relationship, therefore, must be with yourself. You must first learn to honor and cherish and love yourself.

You must first see yourself as worthy before you can see another worthy. You must first see yourself blessed before you can see another as bless.

The most loving person is the person who is self-centered. And so I tell you this: be now and forever centered upon your self. Look to see what you are being, doing, and having in any given moment, not what is going on with another.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Only good can happen to me

Viewing life from the perspective of the Soul, nothing happens that does not move forward the mission of the soul and the agenda of the life. Life will alter part of itself in order to maintain balance and sustainability in the whole of itself. The mission of the individual soul is to grow in consciousness.

  • You have all the Oneness you could possibly want, you merely need to experience.
  • You have all of the life you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it. 
  •  You have all the love you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it.
  • You have all the freedom you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it.
  •  You have all the change you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it.
  •  You have all the joy you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it. 
  • You have all the peace you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it. 
  • You have all the completion you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it. 
  • You have all the being you could possibly want, you merely need to experience it.
Knowing  this will allow you to experience this.
The unknowable is unexperiancable. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Feeling is the language of soul.
If you want to know what is true for you about something, look to how you are feeling about it.
Feelings are sometimes difficult to discover - and often even more difficult to acknowledge. Yet hidden in your deepest feeling is your highest truth.
The grandest feeling is that feeling which we call love.
People make choices based on either love or fear. Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, drowns in, runs, hides, hoards,harms. Love is the energy which expands,opens up, sends out, slays, reveals, share, heals. Before you make a decision ask yourself : am I making this decision based on love or fear?

Monday, September 12, 2016

Dwell in positivity

Think only good things and righteous. Dwell not in negativity and darkness. And even in the moments when things look bleak - see only perfection, express only greatfullness, and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next.
Act as if you were separate from nothing, and no one and you will heal the world tomorrow.
Condemn not, therefore, those aspects of life with which you disagree. Seek instead to change them and the conditions that made that possible.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The soul....

" Your soul is seeking to experience what it knows. "

Everything we will ever need to know , we knew at our birth, we came here to demonstrate that.
Life is a process by which the soul turns knowing into experience. What you have known and experienced becomes a felt reality.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


We are living in a dream of our own creation.
Dream of a world in which love is the answer to every question, the response to every situation, the experience in every moment.
Dream of a world in which freedom becomes the highest expression of life, in which no one claims to love another seeks to restrict another and in which all are allowed to express the glory of their being in measure full and true.
Dream of a world in which differences do not produce divisions, individual expression does not produce separation and the greatness of the whole is reflected in the greatness of its parts.
Dream of a world in which suffering is never again ignored, in which intolerance is never again expressed and in which and in which hatred is never again experienced by anyone.
Dream them into being.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


When you bless the conditions of your life, you change them.
Imagine a condition in which you have found yourself. Have you ever risen above that condition, to discover that you have overcome it?
Well, in truth you never did overcome it. You, actually, was never it. You simply threw off the idea that you are that condition. You are not your condition, your are not your job.

Doses of optimisation

With everything that is going on, take a break. Repeat some optimistic words. Everyone deserves to feel good and positive. I will share some inspirational words to help you feel ready for the future.